🔥 Top 5 Tips for Banishing Love Handles

PLUS: Love handle melter routine

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  • Coach’s Corner: Top 5 tips for banishing love handles

  • Daily Burn: “Love Handle Melter” routine

  • Must Know: Understanding normal resting heart rates

Top 5 Tips for Banishing Love Handles

Love handles can be stubborn, but with the right approach, you can say goodbye to that extra side flab. Remember, spot reduction isn't possible, so these tips focus on overall fat loss and muscle toning. Here are your top 5 strategies:

  1. Dial In Your Macros: The saying "abs are made in the kitchen" applies to love handles, too. Focus on creating a modest calorie deficit for sustainable, lasting results. Increase your protein intake to preserve muscle mass during weight loss. Don't forget to stay hydrated.

  2. HIIT: High-intensity interval Training (HIIT) is a powerful tool for fat loss. This type of workout alternates intense bursts of activity with rest periods, boosting your metabolism for hours after the workout. HIIT can be done with various exercises such as sprints, burpees, jump rope, or bodyweight exercises, like the one we shared in this newsletter.

  3. Strengthen Your Core: While you can't spot-reduce fat, strengthening the core helps create a more toned appearance. Include oblique-focused exercises like Russian twists and side planks in your routine. Don't neglect compound movements such as squats and deadlifts, which engage your core while working other major muscle groups. Aim for 3-4 core-specific workouts per week to see results.

  4. Manage Stress: High-stress levels can lead to increased cortisol, which promotes fat storage, especially around the midsection. Ensure you're getting adequate sleep, aiming for 7-9 hours nightly. Find healthy ways to unwind that don't involve food.

  5. Stay Consistent: Results take time, and abdominal fat is usually the last to go. So consistency is key. Track your progress through measurements and photos, not just the number on the scale. Be patient – sustainable fat loss is typically around 1 lb per week, so give your body time to respond to your efforts.


Perfection is a mirage, but consistency is the real game-changer. It's not about radical transformations but small, relentless steps forward. The daily walk outperforms the occasional marathon. Fifteen minutes of reading trumps the yearly self-help binge. Missed a workout? Resume tomorrow. Imperfect diet? Your next meal is a fresh start. Life isn't about carving a flawless statue.

Remember, you're running a marathon, not a sprint. Imperfect action consistently applied will always outpace perfect inaction. Keep showing up, and keep pushing forward. Consistency will always win. #ConsistencyWins

Love Handle Melter Routine

Love handles – that stubborn area around the waist that many of us struggle with. As you may already know, spot reduction is a myth; your body loses and gains fat overall, storing it based on your unique body type. However, while you can't target fat loss in specific areas, you can certainly focus on exercises that strengthen and tone the muscles underneath, helping to sculpt a sleeker silhouette.

This workout is designed to engage your obliques and core while providing a HIIT routine to boost overall fat burning:

Russian Twists: 45 seconds [ Rest 15 seconds]

Side Plank [Left Side]: 45 seconds [ Rest 15 seconds]

Hip Dips: 45 seconds [ Rest 15 seconds]

Side Plank [Right Side]: 45 seconds [ Rest 15 seconds]

Fast Bike Crunch: 45 seconds [ Rest 15 seconds]

🔁 Repeat Twice

(Tap on the exercise for the Video Demos)

Understanding Normal Resting Heart Rates

A normal resting heart rate for adults typically ranges from 60 to 100 beats per minute (bpm). However, what's considered "normal" can vary based on several factors:

  1. Age: As we get older, our resting heart rate tends to increase slightly.

  2. Fitness level: Well-trained athletes often have lower resting heart rates, sometimes as low as 40 bpm.

  3. Body position: Your heart rate is usually lower when you're lying down compared to sitting or standing.

  4. Time of day: Heart rates are typically lower in the morning and increase throughout the day.

  5. Emotions: Stress, anxiety, or excitement can temporarily increase your heart rate.

  6. Medications: Some medications can affect your heart rate.

A resting heart rate consistently above 100 bpm (tachycardia) or below 60 bpm (bradycardia) may warrant a discussion with your healthcare provider, especially if accompanied by other symptoms.

Ryan Engel, Intl. Fat Loss Coach

Ryan is a leading fitness coach and one of the most known professionals in the space.

He specializes in Body Recomposition and visual body aesthetics and has reached millions worldwide with his powerful messaging. He brings a unique, non-nonsense, yet sophisticated approach to body change.


Publisher: Ryan Engel

Editor: Michael Pender

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