Small Steps, Big Results: Using Atomic Habits to Get Fit After 40

PLUS: Top 5 non-starchy veggies you should be eating

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  • Coach’s Corner: Small Steps, Big Results: Using Atomic Habits to Get Fit After 40

  • Ask The Expert: “Is it normal to feel hungry when following a macro-based fat loss plan?”

  • Must Know: Top 5 Non-Starchy Veggies You Should Be Eating

Small Steps, Big Results: Using Atomic Habits to Get Fit After 40

The answer to long-lasting results lies in the power of small, consistent changes—what James Clear calls "Atomic Habits." Let’s dive into how these tiny habits can lead to big results in your fitness journey.

Atomic habits are small, manageable changes that, when practiced consistently, lead to significant improvements over time. Instead of aiming for massive, overwhelming goals, focus on tiny adjustments that are easy to incorporate into your daily routine.

Building Healthy Habits

Here are a few simple habits you can start today:

  1. Drink Water First Thing: Start your day with a glass of water to hydrate your body.

  2. Take a 10-Minute Walk After Meals: This helps with digestion and keeps you active throughout the day.

  3. Morning Stretch: Spend five minutes stretching when you wake up to increase flexibility and reduce morning stiffness.

Breaking Bad Habits

Identify and replace unhealthy habits with healthier alternatives:

  1. Late-Night Snacking: Instead of reaching for junk food, opt for a healthier snack like a piece of fruit or a handful of nuts.

  2. Sugary Drinks: Gradually replace sodas and sugary drinks with water or herbal teas.

  3. Sedentary Behavior: Set a timer to remind yourself to stand up and move every hour.

Habit Stacking

Link new habits to existing ones to make them easier to adopt:

  • Morning Coffee + Stretching: Do a quick stretch while your coffee brews.

  • TV Time + Exercise: Do a few sets of push-ups or squats during commercial breaks.

  • Brushing Teeth + Balancing: Stand on one leg while brushing your teeth to improve balance.

Tracking Progress

Keep track of your new habits to stay motivated:

  • Habit Tracker Apps: Use apps to log your daily habits and see your progress over time.

  • Journal: Write down your habits in a journal and reflect on your progress weekly.

Remember, it’s about consistency, not perfection. Small, consistent actions add up over time, leading to significant changes in your health and fitness. Even if you miss a day, get back on track the next day.

By focusing on small, manageable changes, you can make a big impact on your health and fitness. Start with these atomic habits, stay consistent, and watch how they transform your life. You’ve got this!


Perfection is a mirage, but consistency is the real game-changer. It's not about radical transformations but small, relentless steps forward. The daily walk outperforms the occasional marathon. Fifteen minutes of reading trumps the yearly self-help binge. Missed a workout? Resume tomorrow. Imperfect diet? Your next meal is a fresh start. Life isn't about carving a flawless statue.

Remember, you're running a marathon, not a sprint. Imperfect action consistently applied will always outpace perfect inaction. Keep showing up, and keep pushing forward. Consistency will always win. #ConsistencyWins

Is It Normal to Feel Hungry When Following a Macro-Based Plan?

If you’re following a macro-based fat loss plan and find yourself feeling hungry, you might be wondering if this is normal. Let's break it down and understand what’s happening.

Physiological vs. Psychological Cravings

In our Ultimate Guide to Cravings: Psychological vs. Physiological, we’ve already covered the difference between physiological and psychological cravings. Here’s a quick recap:

  • Physiological Cravings: These are real hunger signals from your body indicating a need for nutrients.

  • Psychological Cravings: These cravings are driven by emotions, habits, or the environment rather than actual hunger.

Should You Feel Hungry on a Macro-Based Plan?

When following a slight calorie deficit for fat loss, ideally created through a combination of diet and exercise, you shouldn’t experience significant physiological hunger. Here's why:

  1. Balanced Macros: A well-structured macro-based plan ensures you’re getting the right balance of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, keeping you satisfied.

  2. Exercise-Induced Deficit: Creating a calorie deficit through exercise rather than just cutting calories while sedentary helps preserve muscle mass and keeps hunger at bay.

Why Exercise Helps

Using exercise to create a calorie deficit is crucial. It allows you to eat enough (over your BMR) to feel satisfied while still losing weight. Exercise also helps regulate hunger hormones, reducing the chances of physiological hunger. This is why a sedentary approach to weight loss might leave you feeling hungrier compared to an active one.

Our Advice? 

  1. If possible, create a deficit with exercise.

  2. Aim for a small deficit rather than crash diets.

  3. Address psychological cravings through new habit creation.

Top 5 Non-Starchy Veggies You Should Be Eating

We all know that vegetables are vitamin and mineral powerhouses. But are some better than others when it comes to nutrient density?

Absolutely! While all vegetables offer benefits, certain non-starchy options stand out for their exceptional nutritional profiles.

Here are the top contenders to add to your meals for a maximum vitamin and mineral boost:

  1. Kale: This leafy green is a nutritional heavyweight, packed with vitamins A, C, and K, as well as antioxidants and fiber.

  2. Bell Peppers: Especially red ones, these crunchy veggies are loaded with vitamin C, beta-carotene, and various antioxidants.

  3. Broccoli: A cruciferous veggie superstar, broccoli offers vitamins C and K, folate, and potent cancer-fighting compounds.

  4. Spinach: Rich in iron, calcium, and vitamins A and K, spinach also provides folate and magnesium.

  5. Brussels Sprouts: These mini cabbages are high in vitamins C and K, and offer a good dose of fiber and antioxidants.

  6. Cauliflower: Low in calories but high in vitamins C and K, cauliflower also provides a good amount of folate and vitamin B6.

  7. Swiss Chard: This colorful leafy green is an excellent source of vitamins A and C, magnesium, and potassium.

Incorporating these non-starchy vegetables into your meals can significantly boost your nutrient intake. Try adding them to salads, stir-fries, or as side dishes. Remember, variety is key

Ryan Engel, Intl. Fat Loss Coach

Ryan is a leading fitness coach and one of the most known professionals in the space.

He specializes in Body Recomposition and visual body aesthetics and has reached millions worldwide with his powerful messaging. He brings a unique, non-nonsense, yet sophisticated approach to body change.


Publisher: Ryan Engel

Editor: Michael Pender

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