🚀 The Ultimate Guide To Cravings: Psychological vs. Physiological

PLUS: Signs of iron deficiency

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  • Coach’s Corner: The ultimate guide to cravings: Psychological vs. Physiological

  • Ask The Expert: How much caffeine can I consume in a day?

  • Must Know: Signs of iron deficiency

The Ultimate Guide to Cravings: Psychological vs. Physiological

Cravings are a common experience, but not all cravings are created equal. They can be broadly categorized into two types: psychological and physiological. Knowing the difference between these can help you manage them more effectively.

Here's a breakdown of each, along with tips on how to differentiate and address them.

Psychological Cravings:

  • What They Are: Stem from emotional or mental triggers rather than physical needs. These cravings are often for comfort foods.

  • Reasons: Stress, boredom, emotional events, or even habits like eating popcorn during a movie.

  • How to Identify: Usually specific (e.g., craving chocolate) and occurs despite being physically full.

  • Solutions:

    • Find alternative activities: Engage in a hobby or exercise to distract your mind.

    • Practice mindfulness: Identify emotional triggers and work through them without turning to food.

    • Establish healthy habits: Replace snacking during certain activities with healthier options or activities.

Physiological Cravings:

  • What They Are: Caused by the body's need for nutrients, energy, or hydration.

  • Reasons: Nutrient deficiencies, dehydration, or not eating enough throughout the day.

  • How to Identify: Tend to be more general (e.g., craving any food, not just a specific type) accompanied by physical hunger signs.

  • Solutions:

    • Reassess your macros: Make sure you are eating the correct macros. With the correct macro breakdown and whole food based intake, you should not have physiological cravings even when in deficit.

    • Stay hydrated: Sometimes, thirst is mistaken for hunger.

    • Listen to your body: Eat when hungry, and don’t delay meals unnecessarily.


Starting something new can often leave you feeling uncertain and full of doubts. You are not alone; it is the same with all of us!

The real game-changer, though, is confidence. It's like having an inner compass that guides you, even when the map seems unclear.

Believing in yourself is crucial, especially when starting something new. That confidence is your fuel, keeping you moving forward despite not having all the answers right away.

Keep pushing, and trust that you've got what it takes to make it happen. #ModernFitness

Every week, we highlight a real-life success story from one of our clients and provide insights into how you can apply them to your situation. Click below to read this week's feature. 👇

Caffeine has become an integral part of our morning routine due to the daily hustle and bustle. This is not surprising to anyone.

The question remains: how much is too much and when does one cross the line?

Here's a streamlined guide to caffeine intake for men:

  • Recommended Limits: According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, most men can safely consume up to 400 milligrams of caffeine per day. This is equivalent to about four 8-ounce cups of brewed coffee.

  • Individual Tolerance: It's important to note that caffeine tolerance can vary greatly from one individual to another. Factors such as body weight, age, medication use, and health conditions can influence how one reacts to caffeine. Some men might feel jittery or experience a rapid heartbeat with lower doses, indicating a lower tolerance.

  • Health Considerations: While moderate caffeine consumption has been associated with several health benefits, including enhanced cognitive function and a lower risk of certain diseases like Parkinson's and type 2 diabetes, excessive intake can lead to negative effects. These include sleep disturbances, anxiety, and the potential for dependency.

Our Advice? Stick to the 350mg daily limit. This allows you to enjoy the benefits while still having enough room for sleep and water intake.

Sings of Iron Deficiency

In today’s Must Know Section, we're focusing on the critical signs of iron deficiency, which can significantly impact your energy levels and overall health.

Be on the lookout for symptoms like persistent fatigue, weakness, pale skin, shortness of breath, and unusual cravings for non-nutritive substances like ice or dirt, known as pica. These signs may indicate your body's urgent need for more iron, a vital mineral essential for producing hemoglobin and keeping your energy up.

A diet rich in iron-containing foods such as leafy greens and red meat or consulting a healthcare provider about supplementation can help address these deficiencies and restore vitality.

Our Advice? Make it a habit to check your iron levels 1-2 a year during your annual exam.

Ryan Engel, Intl. Fat Loss Coach

Ryan is a leading fitness coach and one of the most known professionals in the space.

He specializes in Body Recomposition and visual body aesthetics and has reached millions worldwide with his powerful messaging. He brings a unique, non-nonsense, yet sophisticated approach to body change.


Publisher: Ryan Engel

Editor: John K.

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