🚀 7 Signs You're Making Progress (Even If the Scale Doesn't Show It)

PLUS: What is the best time to workout?

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  • Coach’s Corner: 7 signs you’re making progress (Even if the scale doesn’t show it)

  • Ask The Expert: “What is the best time to work out?”

  • Must Know: Sarcopenia 101: What you need to know

7 Signs You’re Making Progress (Even If the Scale Doesn’t Show It)

Frustrated by the number on the scale? Remember, weight is just one measure of progress and often not the most reliable. Here are seven signs that you're making strides in your fitness journey, regardless of what the scale says:

  1. Improved Energy Levels: If you're finding yourself more energetic throughout the day, it's a clear sign your fitness is improving. Enhanced cardiovascular health and better nutrient utilization contribute to increased vitality.

  2. Better Sleep Quality: Regular exercise often leads to improved sleep patterns. If you're falling asleep faster and waking up feeling more refreshed, your body is reaping the benefits of your hard work.

  3. Clothes Fit Differently: Do your favorite jeans feel looser around the waist or tighter around the thighs? This could indicate fat loss and muscle gain, even if your weight remains the same.

  4. Increased Strength: Are you lifting heavier weights or performing more reps than before? This is a clear sign of muscle growth and improved neuromuscular efficiency.

  5. Enhanced Mood: Exercise releases endorphins, our body's natural mood elevators. If you're feeling more positive and less stressed, your fitness routine is working its magic.

  6. Improved Cardiovascular Endurance: Finding it easier to climb stairs or jog without getting winded? Your cardiovascular fitness is improving, a crucial health marker often overlooked by the scale.

  7. Better Recovery: If you're bouncing back faster after workouts and experiencing less muscle soreness, it's a sign your body is adapting positively to your fitness regimen.

It is important to remember that fat loss is not a linear process, as we discussed here. However, if you feel like you have hit a plateau for the period of 2-3 weeks, try incorporating these methods we have discussed here.


Your body speaks volumes before you say a word. It's a living billboard, advertising your choices and priorities to everyone you meet. What story is it telling? One of discipline and strength? Or of neglect and excuses? Every workout, every meal, every hour of sleep shapes this narrative. Your posture, your energy, your physique - they're all chapters in your personal history. The best part? You're the author. You decide if it's a tale of power and vitality or one of missed opportunities. Your body can't lie - it reveals your daily habits and long-term commitments. So, what message do you want to send?

Remember, you're rewriting this story every single day. Make it one you're proud to display.

Morning, Noon, or Night? Which is The Best Time to Workout?

The short answer is that the best time to work out is when it fits consistently into your schedule and lifestyle. Consistency is key in any fitness regimen, so the time that allows you to stick to your routine long-term is ultimately the "best" time for you.

However, looking beyond this practical advice, research has shown that different workout times may offer specific benefits:

Morning Workouts: Studies suggest that morning exercise may have several advantages:

  1. Fat Burning: A 2019 study found that exercising before breakfast can increase fat oxidation and improve insulin sensitivity.

  2. Consistency: Morning exercisers tend to be more consistent with their routines, according to this 2019 study.

  3. Mood Boost: Morning workouts can lead to improved mood throughout the day and help you stick to the rest of your fitness regimen, such as water intake and meal plan.

Afternoon Workouts: Research indicates that afternoon workouts may have their own benefits:

  1. Performance Peak: Body temperature typically peaks in the late afternoon. Strength, power, and endurance were typically highest between 1 p.m. and 7 p.m., which can lead to improved performance.

  2. Reaction Time: A 2015 study found that reaction times are quickest in the afternoon.

Evening Workouts: While often discouraged due to potential sleep disruption, evening workouts can be beneficial:

  1. Strength Gains: A 2016 study found that evening resistance training led to greater increases in muscle size compared to morning training.

  2. Stress Relief: Evening workouts can be an effective way to decompress after a stressful day, potentially improving sleep quality if not done too close to bedtime.

Sarcopenia 101: What You Need to Know

As men over 40, understanding sarcopenia is crucial for maintaining long-term health and fitness. Here's what you need to know about this age-related condition:

What is Sarcopenia? Sarcopenia is the progressive loss of muscle mass, strength, and function that occurs with aging. It typically begins in your 30s and accelerates after 50.

Key Facts:

  1. Prevalence: Affects up to 50% of adults over 80.

  2. Impact: Leads to decreased mobility, increased fall risk, and reduced quality of life.

  3. Onset: Can start as early as age 30, with a 3-5% loss of muscle mass per decade.

Preventing sarcopenia is not just about maintaining muscle aesthetics; it's about preserving independence, reducing disease risk, and enhancing overall quality of life as you age. Here’s how you can do that:

  • Resistance Training: The most effective way to combat sarcopenia. Aim for at least 2-3 sessions per week.

  • Protein Intake: Consume adequate protein (1.2-1.6 grams per kg of body weight daily).

  • Balanced Diet: Ensure sufficient calories and nutrients, especially vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids.

  • Stay Active: Incorporate regular physical activity into your daily routine.

Ryan Engel, Intl. Fat Loss Coach

Ryan is a leading fitness coach and one of the most known professionals in the space.

He specializes in Body Recomposition and visual body aesthetics and has reached millions worldwide with his powerful messaging. He brings a unique, non-nonsense, yet sophisticated approach to body change.


Publisher: Ryan Engel

Editor: Michael Pender

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