🌳 How Yard Work Turned Into a Full-Body Workout (and Destroyed My Legs)

PLUS: Is intermittent fasting a good idea for men over 40?

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  • Coach’s Corner: How yard work turned into a full-body workout (and destroyed my legs)

  • Ask The Expert: Is intermittent fasting a good idea for men over 40?

  • Must Know: The airline pilot who found fitness in the sky

  • Fit Trivia: What famous actor transformed into a shredded Spartan warrior in 300?

How Yard Work Turned Into a Full-Body Workout (and Destroyed My Legs)

The other day, I decided to tackle a little yard work—nothing major, just mowing the lawn and trimming a few hedges. Easy, right? Wrong. What started as a simple weekend chore turned into an unintentional full-body workout that had me limping for days.

Between lugging bags of mulch, squatting to pull weeds, and pushing the mower uphill, my legs were on fire. I wasn’t just breaking a sweat—I was borderline drenched by the end of it. That’s when it hit me: functional fitness is everywhere, even in your backyard.

The moral of the story? You don’t always need a gym to get a good workout. Everyday activities can push your muscles to their limits, especially as we get older. Yard work is just another way to keep your body guessing.


Comfort zones don’t build champions. It’s in the struggle, the sweat, and the challenge where real growth happens. Be the guy who embraces discomfort because that’s where strength is forged. That’s the path to greatness.

Is Intermittent Fasting a Good Idea for Men Over 40?

Intermittent fasting (IF) has become one of the hottest diet trends, but is it right for guys over 40? Here’s what you need to know:

  • Pro: Fat Loss: IF helps you reduce your calorie intake, which can lead to fat loss, especially if you’re consistent. The good news? You won’t have to worry about eating smaller meals throughout the day. Just focus on hitting your calorie and macro targets during your eating window.

  • Con: Muscle Loss: If you’re fasting too long or not eating enough protein during your eating window, you could risk losing muscle mass. For guys over 40, maintaining muscle is crucial for metabolism, strength, and overall health.

  • Our Verdict: IF can be effective for fat loss, but it’s not a magic solution. Make sure you’re getting enough protein, lifting weights, and staying consistent with your nutrition. Try starting with a 16:8 schedule (16 hours fasting, 8 hours eating) and see how it feels.

The Airline Pilot Who Found Fitness in the Sky

Meet Greg, an airline pilot who spends more time in the air than on the ground. Between long-haul flights, jet lag, and hotel living, Greg found himself packing on the pounds and losing energy fast. But instead of giving up on his fitness, he decided to embrace it—at 30,000 feet.

Greg turned layovers into workout sessions. Whether it was a quick run in the airport terminal or bodyweight exercises in his hotel room, he made the most of every minute. He also swapped in-flight snacks for healthier options he packed himself.

Today, Greg is leaner and stronger than ever, proving that even with a hectic schedule, fitness is always possible if you get creative. The takeaway? Don’t let your environment be an excuse. You can adapt fitness to any lifestyle.

Fit Trivia: What famous actor transformed into a shredded Spartan warrior in 300?

Answer: Gerard Butler! His intense training regimen for 300 became legendary, with hours of grueling workouts to transform into King Leonidas. That movie set the bar for superhero and action movie transformations.

Ryan Engel, Intl. Fat Loss Coach

Ryan is a leading fitness coach and one of the most known professionals in the space.

He specializes in Body Recomposition and visual body aesthetics and has reached millions worldwide with his powerful messaging. He brings a unique, non-nonsense, yet sophisticated approach to body change.


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Publisher: Ryan Engel

Editor: Michael Pender

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