đź’Ş Unpacking Pre-Workouts: Hype or Help?

PLUS: Does eating late stall your weight loss?

Welcome to your modern fitness daily news report! Every weekday, we break down the trending fitness news, tips, and insider scoops to keep you informed. Each read will be under 3 minutes so that you can stay shredded and thumb through no-nonse fit-quips. Thanks for reading!


  • Coach’s Corner: Are your meals making your life easier or harder?

  • Worth It or Not: Unpacking pre-workouts: hype or help?

  • Myth or Must: Does eating late really stall your weight loss?

Are your meals making your life easier or harder?

Ever find yourself stuck in the eternal debate of what to eat, only to end up grabbing something quick, unhealthy, and unsatisfying? It's a common scenario that begs the question: Are your meals making your life easier or harder?

“I will make healthier choices,” “I will make dinner when I get home after work,”… None of this works long term. And it is not your fault. When we are hungry and busy, it is only natural to grasp what is lying around.

The solution? Meal prepping. It is not just a thing that bodybuilders do anymore. With our lives getting busier and busier, it is the simplest solution that will allow you to stay busy and get results.

“Fail to prepare and prepare to fail.”

Give it a shot this week. Your future, less-stressed self will thank you. Meal prep isn’t just about eating right; it’s about smart, stress-free living. Here is a video of Ryan showing you how to meal prep.


Strategy is everything. We often trap ourselves in a cycle of 'I can't do X until Y happens'—waiting for a gym membership to start working out, a college acceptance to begin researching, or capital to launch a business.

These roadblocks are illusions. Like a magician seemingly conjures a rabbit from thin air, it's all about strategy, not magic. He didn't need the rabbit; he needed a plan. Don't wait for the perfect moment. Think divergently, break the cycle, and maybe you'll find your magic ✨

Unpacking Pre-Workouts: Hype or Help?

Pre-workout supplements have become, in recent years, promising an extra edge in performance and focus. But the real question remains: Are they genuinely beneficial, or just a fitness fad?

Here's what to consider:

  • Varied Effects: The impact of pre-workouts, containing ingredients like caffeine and beta-alanine, can significantly differ from person to person. They might offer a substantial boost in energy and endurance for some, while others may experience minimal benefits.

  • Potential Downsides: Despite their popularity, pre-workouts have possible side effects, including jitters, insomnia, and digestive discomfort. It's essential to weigh these against the potential benefits and to be mindful when trying them out.

  • No Substitute for Fundamentals: It's crucial to remember that pre-workouts can't replace the core elements of fitness success: a balanced diet, proper hydration, and adequate rest.

Consider these points to help you decide whether the pre-workout is the right choice for you.

Our advice? We always recommend considering pre-workouts if you feel like you lack energy when working out.

Does eating late stall your weight loss?

Have you ever wondered if that old tale about midnight snacks is true? Well, it’s not so much about when you eat but more about the total picture - your daily calories and macros. But it is not that black and white.

Here's the twist: While the timing might not directly tank your weight loss, it can sneakily disrupt your sleep. Disruptive sleep is like hitting pause on progress. Recovery is one of the keys to success, and we recover the most while we sleep.

Our stance? Try to curtain call your eating a good 2-3 hours before bed. This will allow your body to digest your latest meal and help with better sleep.


Ryan Engel, Intl. Fat Loss Coach

Ryan is a leading fitness coach and one of the most known professionals in the space.

He specializes in Body Recomposition and visual body aesthetics and has reached millions worldwide with his powerful messaging. He brings a unique, non-nonsense, yet sophisticated approach to body change.


Publisher: Ryan Engel

Editor: Michael Pender