🥊 The Unexpected Benefits of Taking Up Boxing at 45

PLUS: How hydration affects your strength gains

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  • Coach’s Corner: The unexpected benefits of taking up boxing at 45

  • Must Know: How hydration affects your strength gains

  • Question of the Day from Our Readers: “Can I build muscle with just bodyweight exercises?”

  • Fit Trivia: Who was the original fitness star known for his legendary workout show?

The Unexpected Benefits of Taking Up Boxing at 45

A friend of mine had been talking up his boxing class for months, so I finally gave in and tried it out. Let me tell you—stepping into that ring at 45 was a humbling experience. The intense focus, fast footwork, and coordination it required were on another level.

But here’s the thing: I loved it. Not only did boxing push me out of my comfort zone, but it also gave me an incredible cardio workout while sharpening my reflexes and boosting my mental game. It felt like I was training my body and mind at the same time.

Boxing is one of those sports that delivers an all-around workout. You’ll build strength, speed, and agility while improving your mental toughness. Plus, it’s a great stress-reliever. If you’re looking to shake up your routine, give it a try. You’ll come out of it stronger in more ways than one.


Mastery doesn’t happen overnight. It’s built over time, through patience and persistence. Fast results are fleeting, but slow, steady progress lasts. Be the guy who plays the long game. That’s how true mastery is earned.

How Hydration Affects Your Strength Gains

We all know that drinking enough water is essential, but did you know that dehydration can directly impact your strength in the gym? Even mild dehydration can lead to decreased performance, slower recovery, and increased muscle fatigue.

Hydration helps transport nutrients to your muscles, keeps your joints lubricated, and aids in recovery. Aim for at least 3 liters of water a day—especially before and after workouts. If you’re sweating a lot, consider adding electrolytes to keep your balance in check.

Question of the Day from Our Readers:

“Can I build muscle with just bodyweight exercises?”

—Mike, 52, from Dallas, TX

Coach’s Answer:

Absolutely, Mike! You don’t need heavy weights to build muscle. Bodyweight exercises like push-ups, pull-ups, squats, and planks can be incredibly effective—especially when you focus on progressive overload. That means increasing reps, adding intensity (like pausing at the bottom of a squat), or even reducing rest between sets to challenge your muscles.

Another tip is to work on slowing down your movements—this creates more time under tension, which is key for muscle growth. And if you want to push it further, you can always add resistance bands or weighted vests to make your workouts more challenging.

The key is consistency and progression. With the right approach, you can build serious strength and muscle with just your body weight!

Fit Trivia: Who was the original fitness star known for his legendary workout show?

Answer: Jack LaLanne! Often called the “Godfather of Fitness,” LaLanne brought fitness to American living rooms in the 1950s with his energetic TV show. He preached strength training, healthy eating, and staying active long before it was mainstream.

Ryan Engel, Intl. Fat Loss Coach

Ryan is a leading fitness coach and one of the most known professionals in the space.

He specializes in Body Recomposition and visual body aesthetics and has reached millions worldwide with his powerful messaging. He brings a unique, non-nonsense, yet sophisticated approach to body change.


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Publisher: Ryan Engel

Editor: Michael Pender

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