🧬 Understanding the Metabolism Slowdown after 40

PLUS: Protein bars: snack powerhouse or candy in disguise

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  • Coach’s Corner: Understanding the metabolism slowdown after 40

  • The Training Spotlight: “Are lectins bad for me?”

  • Worth it or Not: Protein bars: snack powerhouse or candy in disguise

Understanding the Metabolism Slowdown after 40

Turning 40 brings changes, notably a slower metabolism. Have you ever wondered why it feels like you can just look at a pizza and gain weight now? It’s all down to our metabolism slowing down as we age.

Why Does Metabolism Slow Down Anyway?

A couple of things are happening here:

  • First off, we’re losing muscle mass, which is a real bummer because muscles are like calorie-burning machines. Less muscle means fewer calories burned at rest.

  • Hormones are also playing a trick on us, with testosterone levels dropping and making it harder to keep that muscle.

  • And let’s be real, we might not be moving as much as we used to, which also puts a damper on how many calories we burn.

So, What Can We Do About It?

Don't waste energy trying to control the uncontrollable; aging is a natural process. Instead, focus on what's within your grasp: applying the 95/5 Rule of Fitness and ensuring your basics are solidly in place.


In a world obsessed with "overnight successes," it's easy to feel like you're falling behind. "Why can't I achieve success instantly?" you might wonder. Remember, what seems instant is often years in the making.

True success is slow-cooked, marinated in effort, and lessons learned from failure.

It's not the speed of your success but the strength of your foundation that counts.

Stay patient, stay persistent, and trust that your time will come. Your story is being written one day at a time. #ModernFitness

Every week, we highlight a real-life success story from one of our clients and provide insights into how you can apply them to your situation. Click below to read this week's feature. 👇

Lectins: Not the Villains We Thought?

You've probably heard the buzz about lectins - the "anti-nutrients" in foods like beans, lentils, and grains. They're blamed for everything from belly bloat to serious health woes.

But let's cut through the noise together and see what's really up.

The Truth Unpacked Lectins are plant proteins that can be rough on our systems when eaten raw or undercooked (think uncooked kidney beans—ouch!). But here's the kicker: cooking pretty much neutralizes them. So, those horror stories about lectins? They're more about raw cases than the well-prepared dishes we eat.

Lectin Lowdown If lectins have got you worried, remember that boiling, sprouting, and peeling reduce lectins significantly, making those beans, lentils, and grains more gut-friendly. Plus, who's really eating these foods raw?

A Pinch of Perspective While there's chatter about lectins being dietary bad, the truth is, we don't have a ton of human research on how much we're actually consuming and the long-term effects. Most studies focus on developing countries where malnutrition is prevalent and whole grains and legumes are daily staples.

But here's the deal: foods that contain lectins are also packed with nutrients that fight heart disease, manage weight, and even act as antioxidants. So, rather than fearing lectins, a little kitchen magic (yes, cooking!) lets us reap all their benefits safely.

So, should we worry about lectins? Not if we enjoy a varied diet and cook our foods well.

Protein Bars: Snack Powerhouse or Just a Candy in Disguise?

Ever reached for a protein bar, thinking it's your ticket to healthy snacking, only to wonder if you're just munching on a glorified candy bar? You're not alone! With aisles of options, each boasting more muscle-building, hunger-satisfying prowess than the last, it's tough to tell.

Not all bars are created equal. Here’s how you can choose wisely.

  1. Check the Protein Content: Aim for bars with at least 15 grams of protein, preferably from whole food sources or high-quality isolates.

  2. Sugar Check: Ideally, sugar content should be low. Be wary of bars with high sugar or its many aliases (syrup, nectar, etc.).

  3. Fiber is Your Friend: A good fiber content (above 3 grams) indicates a nutritious bar.

  4. Ingredients List: The shorter, the better. Look for whole foods and recognizable ingredients.

Ryan Engel, Intl. Fat Loss Coach

Ryan is a leading fitness coach and one of the most known professionals in the space.

He specializes in Body Recomposition and visual body aesthetics and has reached millions worldwide with his powerful messaging. He brings a unique, non-nonsense, yet sophisticated approach to body change.


Publisher: Ryan Engel

Editor: John K.

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