🥘 Why Sustainable Fitness is Your Only Option

PLUS: The science behind bodybuilder vascularity

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  • Coach’s Corner: Why sustainable fitness is your only option

  • Ask The Expert: Do I need to take Vitamin D supplements?

  • Must Know: The science behind bodybuilder vascularity

Why Sustainable Fitness is Your Only Option

Hey there! Have you been at that "enough is enough" moment? You're fed up and want change, like yesterday. It's tempting to dive into a quick-fix diet or a fitness frenzy to shed those pounds ASAP.

But here's the thing—we didn't get to where we are overnight. It took time, right? And as much as we love instant gratification in our modern world, quick fixes in fitness just don't cut it.

Research tells us a hard truth: the quicker you lose weight, the quicker you're likely to bounce back and gain it all again. Why? Well, when you go for a massive calorie cut, your body goes into panic mode. It's not about willpower or strength; it's about survival. Your brain starts screaming for high-calorie foods to make up for the deficit, leading to cravings, bingeing, and, yep, putting the weight right back on. I am not even going to start on the mental consequences of going through this cycle over and over again.

So, what's the real deal? Sustainable fitness is the name of the game. It's about making changes you can stick with, not just until you hit a goal, but for life. It's not flashy or fast, but it's the kind of approach that treats your body with respect and understanding. Think of it as the buddy system for your health journey—steady, supportive, and there for the long haul.

Our Advice? If you are eating randomly, start by eating healthy. If you are already eating healthy, start with a small deficit of only 200-300 calories.

Change is the only constant, and in its embrace lies growth.

Every new challenge is an opportunity to evolve, to step out of your comfort zone and into your potential.

Remember, transformation begins at the end of your comfort zone. Embrace change, for it is the path to discovering your true strength. #ModernFitness

Every week, we highlight a real-life success story from one of our clients and provide insights into how you can apply them to your situation. Click below to read this week's feature. 👇

Is a Vitamin D Supplement Necessary?

A reader asked if taking a Vitamin D supplement is essential, sparking an important discussion in our sea of "must-have" supplements. In a world where we are recommended supplements on every corner, it is important to know which ones you need.

While Vitamin D is crucial for bone health, immune function, and mood, deficiency is quite rare, thanks to:

  • Sunlight: A bit of sun exposure can prompt your body to produce Vitamin D.

  • Fortified Foods: Many foods we eat are already fortified with Vitamin D.

  • Our Bodies Store It: Even if you are not exposed to sunlight for some time, your body probably has stored Vitamin D.

Therefore, we don't automatically recommend Vitamin D supplements. It's vital to know that excess Vitamin D can have negative effects, like harming the heart and kidneys. Always check your levels with a healthcare provider before supplementing to ensure you're making the best choice for your health.

The Anatomy of a Bodybuilder’s Veins: Why They Stand Out

Bodybuilders achieve such visible vascularity through a combination of factors. Firstly, reducing body fat to extremely low levels thins the skin, making veins more apparent. Secondly, intense weightlifting sessions boost blood flow, enlarging veins and pushing them closer to the skin's surface.

Moreover, it's important to note that steroids, common in some bodybuilding circles, can also contribute to this vascular look. Steroids can thin the skin further, amplifying the visibility of veins. While impressive, this vascular appearance is a direct reflection of the bodybuilder's lifestyle, from rigorous training regimens to dietary discipline and, sometimes, the side effects of steroid use.

Ryan Engel, Intl. Fat Loss Coach

Ryan is a leading fitness coach and one of the most known professionals in the space.

He specializes in Body Recomposition and visual body aesthetics and has reached millions worldwide with his powerful messaging. He brings a unique, non-nonsense, yet sophisticated approach to body change.


Publisher: Ryan Engel

Editor: Michael Pender

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