🥗 How Skipping Meals Led to the Biggest Fitness Fail of My Life

PLUS: What happens if you stop working out for two weeks?

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  • Coach’s Corner: How skipping meals led to the biggest fitness fail of my life

  • Ask The Expert: What happens if you stop working out for two weeks?

  • Must Know: The story of the guy who lost 15 pounds of muscle—because of stress

  • Fit Trivia: Which 90s fitness icon sold out gyms across the world with his famous workout tapes?

How Skipping Meals Led to the Biggest Fitness Fail of My Life

Let me take you back to a time when I thought I had it all figured out. I was working out six days a week, lifting heavy, doing fasted cardio, and cutting calories to “lean out.” Everything was going great—until it wasn’t.

One day, halfway through a brutal leg workout, I hit a wall. I’m talking full-on, "my legs feel like concrete and my vision’s going black" kind of wall. Why? Because I’d skipped breakfast and lunch, thinking it would help speed up fat loss. Instead, I found myself face-first on the gym floor with nothing in the tank.

Lesson learned: You can’t out-train bad nutrition. After that episode, I made sure to prioritize meal timing and fueling my workouts properly. Skipping meals doesn’t make you “hardcore”—it just makes you crash. Don’t be me.


You can’t always control the results, but you can control your effort. Success isn’t found in the outcome; it’s in giving 100% every day. Be the guy who gives his all, regardless of the scoreboard. That’s where growth happens.

What Happens If You Stop Working Out for Two Weeks?

Picture this: You’re on a roll. Every workout feels better than the last, you’re seeing gains in the mirror, and then—boom. Life happens. Maybe it's a family vacation, work deadline, or an injury, but suddenly two weeks pass and you haven’t lifted a single weight. What happens to your hard-earned progress?

  • Muscle Loss: In just two weeks, you could start losing muscle mass. Yep, two weeks! Muscle doesn’t disappear overnight, but it begins to break down faster than you’d think, especially for guys over 40. The key? Get back to the gym as soon as you can, but don’t overdo it.

  • Strength Decline: You might not feel as strong when you come back, but the muscle memory is real. It’ll take about a week or two to feel like yourself again. Keep lifting, and those strength gains will return quickly.

  • Cardio? Forget About It.: If you’ve ditched your cardio, expect a noticeable drop in endurance. Your lungs will scream at you when you return to running, biking, or HIIT. Ease back in, or you’ll feel the burn in all the wrong ways.

Two weeks off isn’t the end of the world, but the sooner you return to action, the better. Life happens, but don’t let a small break become a permanent hiatus.

The Guy Who Lost 15 Pounds of Muscle—Because of Stress

I’ve seen it all in the gym—guys pushing heavy weight, chugging protein shakes, and logging every calorie. But sometimes, it’s what you can’t see that derails progress. Let me tell you about one of my long-time gym buddies, Tony.

Tony was a beast in the gym, always chasing bigger lifts and tighter abs. But one day, he stopped showing up. A few weeks later, I saw him, and he looked like a different person. Turns out, his work-life balance had exploded. Stress from work, family issues, and sleepless nights had him out of the gym, barely eating, and losing muscle faster than you can say "bench press."

Tony dropped 15 pounds—almost all of it muscle. Stress is a silent killer for gains, guys. It spikes cortisol levels, breaks down muscle, and tanks your energy. The takeaway? Fitness isn’t just about what you lift—it’s about managing stress, sleep, and life outside the gym too. Take care of yourself, or you could end up like Tony.

Fit Trivia: Which 90s fitness icon sold out gyms across the world with his famous workout tapes?

Answer: Billy Blanks! His Tae Bo workouts mixed martial arts with aerobics, creating a fitness craze that swept the world in the 90s. Those high-energy kicks and punches were in every gym and living room.

Ryan Engel, Intl. Fat Loss Coach

Ryan is a leading fitness coach and one of the most known professionals in the space.

He specializes in Body Recomposition and visual body aesthetics and has reached millions worldwide with his powerful messaging. He brings a unique, non-nonsense, yet sophisticated approach to body change.


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Publisher: Ryan Engel

Editor: Michael Pender

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