🔥 Lose Fat, Keep Muscle: How-To Guide

PLUS: Top 5 compound exercises for a stronger core

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  • Coach’s Corner: How to lose fat while maintaining muscle

  • Did You Know: The brain’s energy demands

  • Must Know: Top 5 compound exercises for a stronger core

How To Lose Fat While Maintaining Muscle

While it can be challenging, maintaining muscle mass while losing fat is not only possible but should be a key goal in any fat loss program, especially for men over 40. Here's how to do it:

  1. Calorie Deficit with Moderation: Create a modest calorie deficit (about 500 calories per day) rather than drastically cutting calories. This allows for fat loss while providing enough energy to maintain muscle.

  2. High Protein Intake: Consume adequate protein, aiming for 1.6 to 2.2 grams per kilogram of body weight daily. Protein helps preserve muscle mass during weight loss.

  3. Continue Strength Training: Maintain or even increase your resistance training. This signals your body to retain muscle even in a calorie deficit.

  4. Gradual Weight Loss: Aim to lose 0.5 to 1% of your body weight per week. Slower fat loss helps preserve muscle mass.

  5. Proper Rest and Recovery: Ensure you're getting enough sleep and allowing for adequate recovery between workouts.

  6. Focus on Compound Exercises: Prioritize multi-joint movements like squats, deadlifts, and bench presses to stimulate more muscle fibers.

  7. Consider Nutrient Timing: While not crucial, consuming protein before and after workouts can help with muscle preservation and recovery.

  8. Stay Hydrated: Proper hydration supports both fat loss and muscle preservation processes.

Remember, some minor muscle loss may occur during a fat-loss phase, but following these strategies will help minimize it. The key is patience and consistency. By losing fat gradually while maintaining a challenging resistance training program and consuming adequate protein, you can achieve a leaner physique while holding onto your hard-earned muscle mass.


Perfection is a mirage, but consistency is the real game-changer. It's not about radical transformations but small, relentless steps forward. The daily walk outperforms the occasional marathon. Fifteen minutes of reading trumps the yearly self-help binge. Missed a workout? Resume tomorrow. Imperfect diet? Your next meal is a fresh start. Life isn't about carving a flawless statue.

Remember, you're running a marathon, not a sprint. Imperfect action consistently applied will always outpace perfect inaction. Keep showing up, and keep pushing forward. Consistency will always win. #ConsistencyWins

Small Organ, Big Eater: The Brain’s Energy Demands

Your brain may only account for about 2% of your body weight, but it's an energy-hungry organ. Astonishingly, it consumes approximately 20% of your total energy expenditure. This high energy demand is due to the constant electrical signaling between billions of neurons, maintaining consciousness, processing information, and controlling bodily functions.

This energy consumption remains relatively stable whether you're solving complex problems or resting. It's why mental fatigue can feel as draining as physical exhaustion. To support your brain's hefty energy needs, maintain a balanced diet rich in nutrients, stay hydrated, and ensure you get enough sleep. Remember, a well-fueled brain is crucial for overall health, cognitive function, and even your fitness goals.

Top 5 Compound Exercises for a Stronger Core

Building a powerful core doesn't always mean endless crunches. These compound exercises engage multiple muscle groups, including your core, for maximum efficiency:

  1. Deadlifts: The ultimate full-body exercise. Deadlifts force your core to stabilize your spine while lifting. Quick tip: Keep the bar close to your body and maintain a neutral spine throughout the movement.

  2. Squats: Not just for legs, squats require significant core engagement for stability. Quick tip: Keep your chest up and core tight as you lower your body.

  3. Push-up Punch: This classic exercise demands constant core activation to maintain proper form. Quick tip: Keep your body in a straight line from head to heels throughout the movement.

  4. EZ-Bar Overhead Press: This standing exercise challenges your core to stabilize your body while pressing weight overhead. Quick tip: Engage your core and glutes to prevent arching your lower back.

  5. Elbow Plank: A static exercise that engages the entire core, as well as shoulders and back muscles. Quick tip: Keep your body in a straight line from head to heels, and don't let your hips sag or pike up. Aim to hold for 30-60 seconds, or longer as you build endurance.

Ryan Engel, Intl. Fat Loss Coach

Ryan is a leading fitness coach and one of the most known professionals in the space.

He specializes in Body Recomposition and visual body aesthetics and has reached millions worldwide with his powerful messaging. He brings a unique, non-nonsense, yet sophisticated approach to body change.


Publisher: Ryan Engel

Editor: Michael Pender

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