🎯 Labor Day Reflection: Time For Your Fitness Reboot

PLUS: Protein timing: Does it really matter?

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  • Coach’s Corner: Labor day reflection: Time for your fitness reboot

  • Ask The Expert: “Which nut is the healthiest choice?”

  • Must Know: Protein timing: Does it really matter?

Labor Day Reflection: Time For Your Fitness Reboot

Labor Day marks the unofficial end of summer—a time to relax, enjoy the long weekend, and maybe even indulge in some favorite holiday foods. But beyond the barbecues and gatherings, Labor Day also presents a unique opportunity to pause and reflect on your fitness journey.

Were you comfortable with your shirt off this summer? If not, this is your sign to make sure you are next summer.

Labor Day, a holiday dedicated to the contributions and hard work of all, is the perfect moment to evaluate your fitness. Have you been consistent with your workouts? Are you seeing the results you hoped for? What challenges have you encountered, and how have you overcome them?

Ask yourself:

  • What goals have I achieved?

  • Where do I still need improvement?

  • Have my priorities or circumstances changed?

  • What new goals can I set for the Next Summer?

Now, how do you envision presenting yourself to your family this Thanksgiving and Christmas? If you aspire to appear in a new light, the time to begin is now.

  1. Set One Clear Goal: Choose one specific, achievable goal for the next 90 days. Whether it's losing 10 pounds, running a 5K, or doing 10 push-ups, make it concrete and measurable.

  2. Create a Simple Plan: Outline a basic weekly routine. Start with three 30-minute workouts per week and one small dietary change, like adding a serving of vegetables to each meal.

  3. Commit to Consistency: Promise yourself to stick to your plan for 30 days, no matter what. Mark your workouts on a calendar and celebrate each one you complete.


Age is Just a Data Point

Your age is a number, not a limit. It doesn't dictate your potential—it just tells you how long you've been around. Use that experience as fuel, not an excuse. You're not too old to start. You're too experienced to quit. Rewrite the rules of what's possible at your age. Make your younger self proud.


Cracking the Nut Code: Which Is The Healthiest?

While all nuts offer health benefits, if we had to crown a champion, it would likely be the almond. Here's why:

  1. Nutrient Density: Almonds are packed with vitamins and minerals, including vitamin E, magnesium, and potassium.

  2. Protein Content: They're one of the highest protein nuts, with about 6 grams per ounce.

  3. Fiber: Almonds are rich in fiber, promoting gut health and satiety.

  4. Heart Health: They're known to help lower LDL (bad) cholesterol levels.

  5. Weight Management: Despite being calorie-dense, studies show almonds can aid in weight loss when consumed in moderation.

However, it's worth noting that other nuts have their unique benefits:

  • Walnuts are high in omega-3 fatty acids

  • Brazil nuts are an excellent source of selenium

  • Pistachios are lower in calories and high in protein

The bottom line: While almonds might edge out as the top choice, the healthiest approach is to enjoy a variety of nuts. Each type offers its own mix of nutrients and health benefits. Aim for a serving size of about 1 ounce (28 grams) per day, and remember that moderation is key due to its high-calorie content.

Protein Timing: Does It Really Matter?

Protein timing has been a hot topic in fitness circles for years. But does when you consume protein really make a significant difference? Let's break it down:

The Anabolic Window Myth: For years, we've heard about the crucial "anabolic window" - the idea that consuming protein immediately after a workout is essential for muscle growth. Recent research suggests this window is much wider than previously thought.

What the Science Says:

  1. Total daily protein intake is more important than timing.

  2. Protein synthesis remains elevated for 24-48 hours post-workout.

  3. Pre-workout protein can be as effective as post-workout protein.

Ryan Engel, Intl. Fat Loss Coach

Ryan is a leading fitness coach and one of the most known professionals in the space.

He specializes in Body Recomposition and visual body aesthetics and has reached millions worldwide with his powerful messaging. He brings a unique, non-nonsense, yet sophisticated approach to body change.


Publisher: Ryan Engel

Editor: John K.

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