🤘 Why Fitness is the Ultimate Status Symbol

PLUS: Should you reduce carb intake on rest days?

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  • Coach’s Corner: Why fitness is the ultimate status symbol

  • Ask The Expert: “Should I reduce my carb intake on rest days?”

  • Must Know: The role of carbohydrates in muscle building

Why Fitness is the Ultimate Status Symbol

In a world where appearances can be deceiving, fitness stands out as a beacon of authenticity, especially for men over 40. Unlike many traditional status symbols, a fit physique is one thing that can't be faked or bought.

Consider this: Someone can spend years earning a doctorate, yet we see people on the internet falsely claiming advanced degrees. An expensive car? It could be inherited wealth or a clever lease deal. Even a high-powered job title might be more about connections than competence.

But fitness? That's different.

When you see a fit man in his 40s or beyond, you're witnessing the result of genuine effort and dedication. No one else can make you fit but yourself. There's no shortcut, no inheritance, no faking it.

A fit physique over 40 instantly communicates several admirable qualities:

  1. Discipline: It takes consistent effort to maintain fitness, especially as metabolism slows.

  2. Self-Control: Resisting temptations and making healthy choices day after day is no small feat.

  3. Time Management: Carving out time for exercise amid career and family obligations shows excellent prioritization skills.

  4. Long-Term Thinking: Fitness is an investment in future health and vitality.

  5. Resilience: Overcoming the challenges of maintaining fitness as you age demonstrates mental toughness.

  6. Self-Respect: Taking care of your body shows you value yourself and your well-being.

In essence, when you see a fit man over 40, you know immediately that he's put in the work. He's made sacrifices, pushed through discomfort, and prioritized his health. You sense the power right away!


Your body is your own personal success story waiting to be written. Every workout, every healthy meal, every early morning run is a chapter in that story. The transformation isn't just physical – it's a powerful statement about who you are and what you're capable of achieving.

Remember, it's never too late to start. Whether you're 40, 50, or beyond, today is the perfect day to begin your fitness journey. You have the power to redefine what success looks like, to challenge expectations, and to inspire others through your dedication and results.

Don't just admire the fit men over 40 – become one of them.

Carb Intake on Rest Days

This is a common question, and the answer isn't one-size-fits-all. However, for most men over 40 who are focused on muscle building and fat loss, some carb reduction on rest days can be beneficial. Here's why:

  1. Lower energy needs: On non-training days, your body requires less fuel, so reducing carbs can help prevent excess calorie intake.

  2. Improved insulin sensitivity: Cycling your carb intake can enhance your body's response to insulin, potentially aiding fat loss and nutrient partitioning.

  3. Fat-burning boost: Lower carb intake on rest days can encourage your body to tap into fat stores for energy.

The decision to reduce carbs on rest days isn't a one-size-fits-all approach. It ultimately depends on your body's unique response, the structure of your meal plan, and what's sustainable for your lifestyle. While you burn fewer calories on rest days, most well-designed meal plans already account for this. They typically create a calorie deficit based on your weekly activity, spreading your carb and calorie needs evenly across all days.

Before adjusting your intake, evaluate your current plan's effectiveness. Are you progressing and feeling good? If so, consistency in your daily intake might be more beneficial than fluctuating carbs. If not, you can experiment with reducing carbs during rest days and track the progress.

The Unsung Hero: Carbs and Muscle Building

We all know protein is the star player in muscle building, but let's shine a light on its often-overlooked teammate: carbohydrates. While protein provides the building blocks for muscle, carbs play a crucial supporting role that can make or break your gains.

Here's why carbs matter for muscle growth:

  1. Energy for intense workouts: Carbs are your body's preferred fuel source. They provide the energy you need to push through those grueling lifting sessions.

  2. Muscle preservation: Adequate carb intake spares protein from being used as energy, allowing it to focus on muscle repair and growth.

  3. Insulin response: Carbs trigger insulin release, which helps shuttle nutrients (including protein) into your muscle cells.

  4. Glycogen replenishment: Carbs refill muscle glycogen stores, which is essential for recovery and preventing muscle breakdown.

  5. Hormonal balance: Sufficient carb intake helps maintain optimal levels of muscle-building hormones like testosterone.

The key is finding the right balance. Aim for complex carbs from whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, timing them around your workouts for maximum benefit.

Ryan Engel, Intl. Fat Loss Coach

Ryan is a leading fitness coach and one of the most known professionals in the space.

He specializes in Body Recomposition and visual body aesthetics and has reached millions worldwide with his powerful messaging. He brings a unique, non-nonsense, yet sophisticated approach to body change.


Publisher: Ryan Engel

Editor: Michael Pender

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