đź’Ą The Day I Realized I Was Sabotaging My Own Fat Loss

PLUS: Why does it feel harder to recover in your 40s?

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  • Coach’s Corner: The day I realized I was sabotaging my own fat loss

  • Ask The Expert: Why does it feel harder to recover in your 40s?

  • Must Know: The cautionary tale of the guy who got obsessed with supplements

  • Fit Trivia: Which athlete-turned-actor became famous for his Herculean physique in the 60s?

The Day I Realized I Was Sabotaging My Own Fat Loss

Picture this: I’m three months into an intense fat-loss phase, logging every calorie, avoiding all “bad” foods, and doing HIIT like my life depended on it. Everything was going according to plan—except for one problem: I wasn’t losing any fat. In fact, my progress had stalled, and the harder I pushed, the more frustrated I became.

Then one afternoon, as I stood in front of the mirror analyzing why my six-pack was still hiding, it hit me: I was overdoing it. I’d been cutting too many calories and doing too much cardio. My body was in full-on survival mode, holding onto every ounce of fat like it was prepping for a famine.

The truth is, more isn’t always better. Fat loss requires balance—enough calories to fuel your workouts and just the right amount of cardio to burn fat without burning out. After adjusting my diet and dialing back the intensity, the fat finally started to melt off.


Comfort zones don’t build champions. It’s in the struggle, the sweat, and the challenge where real growth happens. Be the guy who embraces discomfort because that’s where strength is forged. That’s the path to greatness.

Why Does It Feel Harder to Recover in Your 40s?

Ever notice that the same workout that used to make you feel unstoppable now leaves you sore for days? You’re not imagining it—recovery really does take longer as you get older. Here’s why:

  • Muscle Repair Slows Down: As we age, our bodies don’t repair muscle as quickly, meaning post-workout soreness sticks around longer. That’s why it’s so important to prioritize recovery as much as you do your workout.

  • Less Testosterone: Yep, the big T factor. Testosterone plays a huge role in muscle recovery, and after 40, levels naturally start to drop. To combat this, focus on getting enough sleep, eating enough protein, and keeping stress low.

  • Recovery Tip: Stretching and foam rolling before bed can significantly improve recovery time. And, don’t skimp on protein after your workouts—get that recovery shake in within 30 minutes of finishing!

The Cautionary Tale of the Guy Who Got Obsessed with Supplements

Let me tell you about Jake, a guy I used to train with. Jake was all-in on supplements. If there was a pill, powder, or shake that promised muscle growth, he was buying it. Pre-workouts, post-workouts, fat burners, testosterone boosters—you name it, Jake was on it. At first, it seemed like it was working. He was hitting new PRs every week, cutting fat, and gaining muscle like crazy.

Then, things took a turn. His energy levels crashed, his sleep tanked, and he started getting weird side effects like acne and mood swings. Jake’s body was burned out from relying on stimulants and hormone-manipulating supplements. He’d overdone it.

The lesson? Supplements can be a great addition to your fitness routine, but they’re not magic. If you’re taking more supplements than real food, it’s time to rethink your approach. Keep it simple: a quality protein powder, creatine, and fish oil are all you really need.

Fit Trivia: Which athlete-turned-actor became famous for his Herculean physique in the 60s?

Answer: Steve Reeves! The former bodybuilder and Mr. Universe became a household name when he starred in Hercules (1958), setting the standard for the muscle-bound action heroes that followed.

Ryan Engel, Intl. Fat Loss Coach

Ryan is a leading fitness coach and one of the most known professionals in the space.

He specializes in Body Recomposition and visual body aesthetics and has reached millions worldwide with his powerful messaging. He brings a unique, non-nonsense, yet sophisticated approach to body change.


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Publisher: Ryan Engel

Editor: Michael Pender

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