đź‘ź Why Most Cardio Routines Are Sabotaging Your Progress

PLUS: How to spot a plateau before it wrecks your gains

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  • Coach’s Corner: Why most cardio routines are secretly sabotaging your progress

  • Ask The Expert: Is intermittent fasting worth the hype for men over 40?

  • Must Know: How to spot a plateau before it wrecks your gains

  • Fit Trivia: Which 80s action star set the bar for on-screen abs?

Why Most Cardio Routines Are Sabotaging Your Progress

Cardio is the golden goose for weight loss, right? Wrong. The truth is, most guys over 40 are doing their cardio all wrong—and it’s killing their gains. If your goal is to burn fat while keeping muscle, you need to rethink your strategy.

  • Long-Distance Running: Spending hours on the treadmill might feel like progress, but it could be eating away at your muscle mass. Too much steady-state cardio boosts cortisol, the stress hormone that can lead to fat storage and muscle breakdown. Short, intense bursts of exercise (think HIIT) are where the real fat-burning magic happens.

  • No Strength Training Mix: If you're doing only cardio without lifting, you’re setting yourself up for failure. Strength training boosts your metabolism long after your workout ends—cardio alone just doesn’t cut it.

Want to see faster, leaner results? Cut your long runs down to 20-minute sprints or interval sessions, and hit the weights hard.


Don’t chase perfection—it doesn’t exist. What matters is progress, however small. Every rep, every meal, every day you show up, you’re moving forward. Be the guy who values growth over flawlessness. That’s how lasting results are earned.

Is Intermittent Fasting Worth the Hype for Men Over 40?

It seems like everyone’s jumping on the intermittent fasting (IF) bandwagon these days, but does it actually work for men over 40? Here’s the real scoop:

  • The Good: Intermittent fasting can help you lose fat while maintaining muscle. It’s not a miracle, but fasting shifts your body into fat-burning mode and gives your digestive system a break. Plus, studies show it can help regulate blood sugar levels and improve heart health.

  • The Catch: Fasting for too long can mess with testosterone levels, especially if you’re already under stress or not getting enough calories. And if you’re lifting heavy, your body still needs fuel to build and repair muscle.

Our verdict? If you’re thinking about trying IF, start small—16-hour fasts with an 8-hour eating window work for most guys. Just make sure you’re still eating enough protein and hitting your calorie goals during your eating window.

How to Spot a Plateau Before It Wrecks Your Gains

You’re crushing your workouts, eating clean, and yet… the results have stalled. You, my friend, are in a plateau. It’s the ultimate enemy of progress—but don’t worry, here’s how to catch it before it takes you down:

  • The Warning Signs: If your strength has stalled, you’re not seeing muscle gains, or the scale refuses to budge, you’re likely in a plateau. It’s subtle at first, but if you’re not progressing in your lifts or losing fat, something’s off.

  • How to Fix It: The fix is simple but tough—shock your body. If you’ve been doing the same routine for months, your muscles have adapted. Try a new program, increase your weights, or even switch up your diet. Your body loves routine, but too much comfort will kill your progress.

Fit Trivia: Which 80s action star was the first to set the bar for on-screen abs?

Answer: Sylvester Stallone! From the Rocky series to Rambo, Sly made chiseled abs a Hollywood staple in the '80s. His training routines were so intense that Rambo III earned him a Guinness World Record for the most on-screen action stunts.

Ryan Engel, Intl. Fat Loss Coach

Ryan is a leading fitness coach and one of the most known professionals in the space.

He specializes in Body Recomposition and visual body aesthetics and has reached millions worldwide with his powerful messaging. He brings a unique, non-nonsense, yet sophisticated approach to body change.


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Publisher: Ryan Engel

Editor: Michael Pender

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