💀 The Biggest, Most Common Downfall in Fitness

PLUS: The crucial link between gut health and fitness

Welcome to your modern fitness daily news report! Every weekday, we break down the trending fitness news, tips, and insider scoops to keep you informed. Each read will be under 3 minutes so that you can stay shredded and thumb through no-nonsense fit-quips. Thanks for reading!


  • Coach’s Corner: The biggest, most common downfall in fitness

  • The Training Spotlight: 15-minute quick HIIT

  • Must Know: The crucial link between gut health and fitness

The #1 Pitfall Sabotaging Your Fitness Goals

After a decade in the fitness industry, you might expect me to say that the biggest roadblock people face is not getting enough protein or not nailing their macros. But actually, it’s something much simpler and, at the same time, trickier. Ready for it? It's perfectionism. Yes, you read that right. It might sound counterintuitive, but here’s the deal from my coaching experience:

The Honeymoon Phase You’re pumped. You’ve got your new meal plan and workout program. You're ready to crush it. And you do—for a few days, maybe even weeks. Everything is going smoothly until...

The Unplanned Happens Life throws a curveball—a surprise dinner out, a crazy day at work—and suddenly, the plan falls apart. This snowball effect sees one slip-up leading to another, and before you know it, your initial motivation and progress are buried under an avalanche of "I'll start again on Monday."

Here's the truth: Life will always be unpredictable. The clients and customers who find long-term success aren't the ones who stick to the plan flawlessly. Instead, they're the folks who don’t let an unexpected event derail them completely. They understand that aiming for perfection in fitness is like trying to catch smoke with your bare hands—it’s impossible. (Unless that’s the only thing you do)

The secret? Flexibility. Those who thrive are those who adapt. Missed a workout? They'll squeeze in a quick home session or make sure they're active the next day. Strayed from the meal plan? They'll hop right back on track without beating themselves up.

In fitness, as in life, perfection isn't just overrated; it's a trap. Striving to do your best each day, rolling with the punches, and forgiving yourself for the occasional slip-up? That’s where real progress happens.


Strategy is everything. We often trap ourselves in a cycle of 'I can't do X until Y happens'—waiting for a gym membership to start working out, a college acceptance to begin researching, or capital to launch a business.

These roadblocks are illusions. Like a magician seemingly conjures a rabbit from thin air, it's all about strategy, not magic. He didn't need the rabbit; he needed a plan. Don't wait for the perfect moment. Think divergently, break the cycle, and maybe you'll find your magic ✨ #ModernFitness

Every week, we highlight a real-life success story from one of our clients and provide insights into how you can apply them to your situation. Click below to read this week's feature. 👇

15 Minute Quick HIIT Routine

Save and use this quick 15-minute routine when in a rush and need a quick burn 🔥

Squat Punch: 45 seconds [✋ Rest 15 seconds]

RE Ab Wave: 45 seconds [✋ Rest 15 seconds]

Mountain Climbers: 45 seconds [✋ Rest 15 seconds]

Elbow Plank: 45 seconds [✋ Rest 15 seconds]

✋ Rest 1 minute between cycles | Repeat for 2 cycles

(Tap on the exercise for the Video Demos)

Recent research has illuminated the vital connection between a healthy gut microbiome and its impact on fitness performance and recovery. Studies, including one published in the Journal of Sport and Health Science, reveal that a diverse gut microbiota enhances energy metabolism, boosts immune function, and reduces inflammation, all essential for optimal physical performance and efficient recovery after exercise.

To harness these benefits for your fitness journey, focusing on gut health through a diet rich in probiotics, prebiotic fiber, and whole foods is key.

Ryan Engel, Intl. Fat Loss Coach

Ryan is a leading fitness coach and one of the most known professionals in the space.

He specializes in Body Recomposition and visual body aesthetics and has reached millions worldwide with his powerful messaging. He brings a unique, non-nonsense, yet sophisticated approach to body change.


Publisher: Ryan Engel

Editor: Michael Pender

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