đź’¤ 6 Roles of Sleep in Muscle Growth

PLUS: Top 3 fitness trends of this year

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  • Coach’s Corner: 6 roles of sleep in muscle growth

  • Fitness Trends: Top 3 fitness trends of this year

  • Must Know: The role of magnesium in testosterone health

6 Roles of Sleep in Muscle Growth

Hey there! Did you know that sleep plays a crucial role in muscle growth? It’s true! While hitting the gym and eating right are important, getting enough quality sleep is just as vital.

Sleep plays six key roles in helping you build and maintain muscle.

Hormone Production: During sleep, your body produces essential hormones that aid in muscle growth and recovery. One of the most important hormones is growth hormone (GH), which is primarily released during deep sleep. GH stimulates muscle repair, regeneration, and growth, making sleep crucial for anyone looking to build muscle.

Protein Synthesis is the process by which your body repairs and builds muscle tissues. This process ramps up during sleep, allowing your muscles to recover from the stress of exercise. Without adequate sleep, protein synthesis can be impaired, slowing down muscle growth and recovery.

Muscle Recovery: Sleep is the time when your body goes into full repair mode. Microtears in your muscles caused by intense workouts are repaired during sleep. This recovery process is essential for muscle growth, as it allows your muscles to become stronger and more resilient.

Energy Restoration: Adequate sleep ensures that your body restores its energy levels. During sleep, glycogen stores in your muscles are replenished, providing you with the energy needed for your next workout. Without enough sleep, your energy levels can be depleted, making it harder to perform at your best.

Reducing Inflammation: Intense workouts can cause inflammation and muscle soreness. Sleep helps reduce inflammation by lowering levels of stress hormones like cortisol. Lower inflammation levels lead to quicker recovery times and less muscle soreness, allowing you to train more effectively.

Mental Focus and Motivation: A good night’s sleep is essential for maintaining mental focus and motivation. Lack of sleep can lead to fatigue, poor concentration, and decreased motivation, making it harder to stick to your workout routine. Ensuring you get enough sleep helps keep you mentally sharp and motivated to achieve your fitness goals.


Strategy is everything. We often trap ourselves in a cycle of 'I can't do X until Y happens'—waiting for a gym membership to start working out, a college acceptance to begin researching, or capital to launch a business.

These roadblocks are illusions. Like a magician seemingly conjures a rabbit from thin air, it's all about strategy, not magic. He didn't need the rabbit; he needed a plan. Don't wait for the perfect moment. Think divergently, break the cycle, and maybe you'll find your magic ✨

Every year, the ACSM Worldwide Survey of Fitness Trends gives us a sneak peek into the future of fitness. They sent out an online survey with 45 potential trends that can be ranked from 1-10. After cleaning the data for duplicates and incomplete responses, a final sample size of 1,997 respondents was used for analysis, with 51% male with an average age of 39.2 years old.

1. Wearable Technology First up, reigning supreme once again is wearable technology. These nifty gadgets—think fitness trackers and smartwatches—are like personal trainers on your wrist. They track everything from your heart rate to your sleep patterns, making sure you stay on top of your fitness game. It’s no wonder they’ve been in the top three since 2016!

2. Worksite Health Promotion Next, making a grand entrance at number two is worksite health promotion. Companies are jumping on the wellness bandwagon, offering fitness facilities, health education, and wellness programs right at the workplace. It’s like having a gym, a nutritionist, and a stress-relief guru all rolled into one at your office. Who knew work could be so healthy?

3. Fitness Programs for Older Adults And finally, flexing its way into the third spot is fitness programs for older adults. As the population ages, more and more programs are tailored to keep our seniors fit and fabulous. These programs focus on strength, balance, and independence, proving that age is just a number when it comes to staying active and healthy.

The Role of Magnesium in Testosterone Health

Magnesium is an essential mineral involved in over 300 biochemical reactions in the body, including those that support testosterone production. Studies have shown that magnesium can positively impact testosterone levels, particularly in active individuals.

One way magnesium supports testosterone is by binding to sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG), a protein that binds to testosterone. By binding to SHBG, magnesium helps increase the free testosterone available in the bloodstream. Free testosterone is the active form that the body can use effectively.

Moreover, magnesium aids in muscle function and recovery, indirectly supporting testosterone production. Physical activity and resistance training are known to boost testosterone levels, and having adequate magnesium helps enhance performance and recovery, further promoting hormonal health.

Ryan Engel, Intl. Fat Loss Coach

Ryan is a leading fitness coach and one of the most known professionals in the space.

He specializes in Body Recomposition and visual body aesthetics and has reached millions worldwide with his powerful messaging. He brings a unique, non-nonsense, yet sophisticated approach to body change.


Publisher: Ryan Engel

Editor: John K.

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