🍕 5 Rules of Ordering at a Restaurant

PLUS: Does more sweat mean more calories burnt?

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  • Coach’s Corner: 5 rules of ordering at a restaurant

  • Ask The Expert: Why has your scale stopped moving

  • Myth or Must: Does more sweat mean more calories burnt

5 Rules of Ordering at a Restaurant

Gentlemen, picture this: You're at a swanky restaurant, menu in hand, and the choices are as vast as your ambitions. So, how can you ensure your order supports your goals instead of hindering them?

Here's what to consider:

  1. Start with Simplicity: Begin your meal with a simple appetizer like a salad or broth-based soup. This not only primes your stomach for the main course but also helps you pace your meal and avoid overeating.

  2. Hydrate with Strategy: Water is your wingman, keeping you sharp and focused. If the occasion calls for something stronger, pick a clear drink like vodka with a sugar-free tonic.

  3. Craft Your Plate Like Your Portfolio: Ask for plates with lean proteins, a mix of veggies, and healthy carbs. Ask for sauces on a side.

  4. Pay Attention to Cooking Method: Choose foods that are grilled, steamed, or roasted. Ask for the cook to use as little oil as possible when cooking.

  5. Indulge Smartly: Just because you are at a restaurant does not mean you have to get something unhealthy. However, if you feel up to it, do it smartly. Feel up on water and healthy veggies and protein first to control the portions.

Our advice? Choose restaurants that offer healthy options or customize the meals for you.


Our team is working hard on this newspaper. A little too hard actually. I told them to take a damn break and remember to lift because we can’t have a bunch of pencil pushers in here. I hope you enjoy the daily read. We’ll keep it fun and informative, and you’ll always know sexy people are behind the pen. 

Keep being a reader and a bad mf’r - catch ya tmrw! #ModernFitness

Beyond the Scale: Understanding the Pace of Progress

It's a familiar scenario for many embarking on their fitness journey: stepping on the scale and wondering, "Why isn't it moving faster?" In our experience, 9 out of 10 clients arrive with their eyes fixed firmly on the scale. While it's a useful tool, it's crucial to understand that it doesn't tell the whole story. Here's why you shouldn't let the scale dictate your sense of progress.

  1. Muscle vs. Fat: The scale can't differentiate between muscle and fat. As you exercise, especially with strength training, you're likely gaining muscle while losing fat. Muscle is denser and takes up less space than fat, meaning you could be slimming down and toning up without seeing a dramatic change on the scale.

  2. Water Weight Fluctuations: Your weight can fluctuate significantly due to water retention. Factors like what you've eaten, hormonal changes, sleep quality, and hydration levels can all influence the number you see on the scale. A high-sodium meal, for example, can lead to temporary water retention, skewing your weight.

  3. Psychological Effects: Overreliance on the scale can have detrimental psychological effects, leading to discouragement and unhealthy behaviors. Celebrating non-scale victories, such as fitting into a smaller clothing size, feeling more energetic, or completing a workout you couldn't before, can be more motivating and indicative of your true progress.

Our advice? Focus on the journey and trust the process. Use other measures of progress, including the scale, to have a better picture. Take progress photos, measure body parts, and pay attention to how clothes fit and your mood, strength, and energy levels.

Does more sweat mean more calories burnt?

Thinking of turning your workout into a personal sauna session to torch more fat? Hold that thought! It's a common misconception that a sweat-drenched T-shirt is the trophy of ultimate fat burn.

So, what does the sweat mean? In the grand scheme of fitness, sweating is less about the fat you're burning and more about your body's air conditioning system kicking into high gear. It's your body's natural way to cool down, influenced by workout intensity, the environment, and your unique physiology—not a direct measure of your fat-burning prowess.

With that being said, sweating can help with reducing water weight and sodium in the body.


Ryan Engel, Intl. Fat Loss Coach

Ryan is a leading fitness coach and one of the most known professionals in the space.

He specializes in Body Recomposition and visual body aesthetics and has reached millions worldwide with his powerful messaging. He brings a unique, non-nonsense, yet sophisticated approach to body change.


Publisher: Ryan Engel

Editor: Michael Pender