🦾 5 Key Differences Between Getting Shredded for Life vs. Competition

PLUS: Is fasted cardio more effective for fat loss?

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  • Coach’s Corner: 5 key differences between getting shredded for life vs. competition

  • Ask The Expert: “Is fasted cardio more effective for fat loss?”

  • Must Know: How sleep impacts your fat loss goals

5 Key Differences Between Getting Shredded for Life vs. Competition

When it comes to getting shredded, it's crucial to understand the difference between competition prep and maintaining a lean physique for life. Many aspire to the ultra-lean look of bodybuilders on stage, but it's important to recognize that this level of definition isn't meant to be sustained long-term.

Sustainability: Competition-level leanness involves extremely low body fat percentages, often below 5% for men. This is unsustainable for long periods and can be harmful to your health. In contrast, maintaining a lean physique for life typically means staying around 10-15% body fat for men. This level is much more manageable and allows for better overall health and energy levels.

Techniques: Competitors often use extreme methods to achieve their stage-ready look. These can include severe calorie restriction, dehydration techniques, and water manipulation. These practices can be dangerous if attempted without proper supervision. For lifelong fitness, the focus is on consistent, healthy habits like balanced nutrition and regular exercise, which are sustainable and beneficial in the long run.

Duration: Competition prep is all about peaking for a specific date. Everything is planned meticulously to ensure the body looks its absolute best for that one day or weekend. In contrast, getting lean for life is an ongoing process. It's about finding a balance that you can maintain year-round through various life events and circumstances.

Health Impact: The extreme nature of competition prep can have negative impacts on health if maintained for too long. It can affect hormone levels, metabolism, and overall well-being. A lifelong approach to fitness prioritizes overall health, ensuring that you not only look good but feel good, too.

Mindset: Competition prep often involves an intense focus on aesthetics, sometimes at the expense of other aspects of life. The mindset for lifelong fitness is more balanced. It's about looking good, feeling good, and being able to enjoy life.

Remember, the shredded look you see in competitions is not sustainable year-round. Those ultra-defined physiques are often the result of months of strict dieting, followed by a few days of strategic dehydration and carb manipulation. Understanding these differences allows you to set realistic expectations and focus on lifelong, healthy results.


Discipline Trumps Motivation

Motivation is fickle. Discipline is reliable. Don't wait to feel motivated—build the discipline to act regardless. Motivation gets you started; discipline keeps you going. Be the guy who shows up, even when he doesn't feel like it. That's where real change happens.

Is Fasted Cardio More Effective for Fat Loss?

Fasted cardio, which is performed on an empty stomach (usually in the morning before breakfast), has gained popularity as a fat-burning technique. The idea behind it is that when you exercise in a fasted state, your body turns to fat stores for energy since glycogen (carbs) is depleted. But is it really more effective for fat loss?

Here’s the truth: While fasted cardio can increase fat oxidation (burning fat for fuel), it doesn’t necessarily result in more fat loss compared to cardio performed after eating. The total calorie deficit you create throughout the day and week is far more important in terms of fat loss. Additionally, fasted cardio may not work for everyone, especially if it causes lower energy levels or less intensity during the workout, which could lead to burning fewer calories overall.

The Bottom Line: Fasted cardio may offer a slight boost in fat oxidation, but it’s not a magic bullet for fat loss. The most important factor is finding a cardio routine that works for your schedule, energy levels, and preferences—whether fasted or fed—while staying in a consistent caloric deficit.

How Sleep Impacts Your Fat Loss Goals

When it comes to losing fat, most people focus on diet and exercise—but did you know sleep plays a critical role too? In fact, poor sleep can sabotage your fat loss efforts.

Lack of sleep messes with hunger hormones like ghrelin and leptin, leading to increased cravings and overeating. It also raises cortisol levels, a stress hormone that promotes fat storage, particularly around the belly. Furthermore, when you’re tired, you’re less likely to make healthy food choices and may lack the energy for an effective workout.

So, if you’re serious about fat loss, don’t overlook the importance of quality sleep. Aim for 7-9 hours of rest each night to support your body’s ability to burn fat efficiently and stay energized for your workouts!

Ryan Engel, Intl. Fat Loss Coach

Ryan is a leading fitness coach and one of the most known professionals in the space.

He specializes in Body Recomposition and visual body aesthetics and has reached millions worldwide with his powerful messaging. He brings a unique, non-nonsense, yet sophisticated approach to body change.


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Publisher: Ryan Engel

Editor: Michael Pender

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