💪 5 Easy Tips to Enjoy 4th of July Without Guilt

PLUS: Declaration of independence from dad bod

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  • Coach’s Corner: 5 easy tips to enjoy 4th of July without guilt

  • Daily Burn: Declaration of independence from dad bod workout

  • Did You Know: Founding fathers’ fitness routines

5 Easy Tips to Enjoy 4th of July Without Guilt

The 4th of July is a time for celebration, but it doesn't have to derail your fitness journey.

Here are five simple strategies to enjoy the holiday guilt-free:

  1. Embrace Your Cheat Meal 🍔 Remember, even on a regular meal plan, you're allowed a cheat meal once a week or biweekly. Let Independence Day be that day! Enjoy your favorite foods without beating yourself up about it.

  2. Start with High-Volume, Low-Calorie Foods 🥗 Before diving into typical July 4th fare, fill up on high-volume, low-calorie options. Start with a big salad or veggie platter. This doesn't mean skipping traditional foods, but it ensures you're not approaching them with an empty stomach.

  3. Stay Hydrated 💧 Don't forget the water! Proper hydration isn't just crucial for your fitness journey; it's essential every day. Drinking enough water helps you stay hydrated in the summer heat and can help you feel fuller.

  4. Practice Mindful Eating 🧘‍♂️ Savor each bite and eat slowly. This allows you to truly enjoy your food and gives your body time to register fullness. You'll likely eat less overall while still feeling satisfied.

  5. Get Moving 🏃‍♂️ Incorporate some physical activity into your celebration. Organize a family game of frisbee, take a pre-fireworks walk, or start the day with a patriotic-themed workout.

Remember, one day of indulgence won't undo all your hard work. The key to a healthy lifestyle is balance. Enjoy your 4th of July celebration, then get right back on track the next day. Happy Independence Day!


As we celebrate the 4th, let's remember what true independence means. It's not just about a nation's freedom, but your personal liberty too. At our age, we've weathered storms and conquered mountains. Now it's time to declare independence from outdated expectations and self-imposed limitations. Break free from the "should haves" and "too lates". You're not too old to start learn that skill, or reinvent yourself. Our forefathers fought for the pursuit of happiness - so what's your declaration?

Happy Independence Day! Make it count!


Declaration of Independence from Dad Bod Workout

This Fourth of July, declare your independence from the dad bod with this patriotic, high-intensity workout designed to torch calories and build functional strength. The entire workout takes only 15 minutes! Let’s get started 👇

Jumping Jacks: 50 seconds [ Rest 10 seconds]

Burpees: 50 seconds [ Rest 10 seconds]

Mountain Climbers: 50 seconds [ Rest 10 seconds]

Push-Up Punch: 50 seconds [ Rest 10 seconds]

Elbow Plank: 50 seconds [ Rest 10 seconds]

(Tap on the exercise for the Video Demos)

🔁 Repeat 3 Cycles

Founding Fathers’ Fitness Routines

As we celebrate Independence Day, let's take a moment to consider the fitness habits of our Founding Fathers. While they didn't have access to modern gyms or supplements, many of America's early leaders were surprisingly health-conscious. Here's what we can learn from their exercise habits:

  1. Benjamin Franklin's Daily Swim 🏊‍♂️ Franklin was an avid swimmer and even considered opening a swimming school. He believed in the power of cold water therapy, often taking "air baths" by sitting naked near an open window.

    Takeaway: Regular swimming is an excellent low-impact, full-body workout.

  2. Thomas Jefferson's Walking Routine 🚶‍♂️Jefferson walked up to four miles a day and believed that walking was the best form of exercise. He famously said, "Of all exercises, walking is the best."

    Takeaway: Consistent daily walks can significantly improve cardiovascular health and aid weight management.

  3. John Adams' Morning Routine 🌄 Adams started each day with a long walk or horseback ride, often before sunrise. He believed this invigorated him for the day ahead.

    Takeaway: Morning exercise can boost metabolism and improve mood for the entire day.

  4. George Washington's Physical Labor 🌾 Washington maintained his physique through regular farm work and horseback riding. He believed in the importance of physical labor for both health and character.

    Takeaway: Incorporating functional movements into daily life can be an effective form of exercise.

  5. Alexander Hamilton's Military Drills 🎖️ Hamilton maintained his fitness through regular military drills and exercises, even in peacetime.

    Takeaway: Structured, disciplined exercise routines can yield significant fitness results.

Ryan Engel, Intl. Fat Loss Coach

Ryan is a leading fitness coach and one of the most known professionals in the space.

He specializes in Body Recomposition and visual body aesthetics and has reached millions worldwide with his powerful messaging. He brings a unique, non-nonsense, yet sophisticated approach to body change.


Publisher: Ryan Engel

Editor: John K.

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