💪 3 Habits Killing Your Metabolism After 40

PLUS: Are resistance bands effective for strength training?

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  • Coach’s Corner: 3 habits killing your metabolism after 40

  • Ask The Expert: How often should men over 40 lift weights?

  • Must Know: Are resistance bands effective for strength training?

  • Fit Trivia: Which action movie legend popularized the one-armed pushup?

3 Habits Killing Your Metabolism After 40

As we age, metabolism naturally slows, but certain habits can accelerate this drop, making it harder to stay lean. Let’s look at the three biggest metabolism killers:

  1. Skipping Protein: Not getting enough protein can lead to muscle loss, and with less muscle, metabolism takes a hit. Prioritize high-quality sources like eggs, lean meats, and plant proteins at every meal.

  2. Sleep Deprivation: Staying up late or getting poor-quality sleep disrupts the hormones that control hunger and fat storage. Aim for 7-8 hours of quality rest each night to keep metabolism running smoothly.

  3. Long Cardio Sessions: While cardio is important, doing only long, steady-state sessions can actually slow down metabolism. Mix it up with interval training or strength sessions to keep that metabolic fire burning.


Perfection is a myth, but consistency is real. You don’t need the perfect workout or diet plan—just show up, day in and day out. Small efforts, repeated over time, build monumental results. Be the guy who’s consistent, even when it’s hard. That’s where success is built.

How Often Should Men Over 40 Lift Weights?

For men over 40, resistance training is essential for maintaining muscle mass, strength, and testosterone levels. But how often should you hit the weights?

  • Beginner: If you’re just getting into lifting, start with 2-3 times a week. Focus on compound movements like deadlifts, rows, and presses to hit major muscle groups.

  • Intermediate: 4-5 times a week works well for those who’ve been lifting for a while. Break your routine into muscle-specific days (chest, back, legs, etc.) to balance volume and recovery.

  • Advanced: If you’ve been lifting consistently for years, 5-6 days a week might work, but prioritize recovery. Your body needs more time to heal and rebuild, so be sure to listen to it.

Remember, consistency is king, but so is recovery. Find the balance that fits your schedule and body.

Are Resistance Bands Effective for Strength Training?

Yes! Resistance bands may look lightweight, but they’re incredibly versatile for building strength, especially for men over 40. Here’s why they work:

  • Joint-Friendly: Unlike free weights, bands offer smooth resistance throughout the movement, reducing strain on joints while still challenging muscles.

  • Portable & Accessible: Bands are perfect for home workouts or travel. Whether you're at home, the office, or on vacation, you can stay on track.

  • Scalable Resistance: Resistance bands come in various strengths, so you can progress over time or target specific muscle groups. They’re ideal for everything from warming up to muscle-building circuits.

Incorporating bands into your routine is a great way to mix things up and keep your muscles guessing.

Fit Trivia: Which action movie legend popularized the one-armed pushup in the '70s?

Answer: Jack Palance! The Hollywood star famously performed one-arm pushups at the Oscars in 1992 to prove he was still in shape well into his 70s. It became a memorable moment in fitness pop culture history.

Ryan Engel, Intl. Fat Loss Coach

Ryan is a leading fitness coach and one of the most known professionals in the space.

He specializes in Body Recomposition and visual body aesthetics and has reached millions worldwide with his powerful messaging. He brings a unique, non-nonsense, yet sophisticated approach to body change.


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Publisher: Ryan Engel

Editor: Michael Pender

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