🔥 3 Best Cardio Exercises for Burning Fat While Maintaining Muscle

PLUS: Best way to grow lower chest

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  • Coach’s Corner: 3 best cardio exercises for burning fat while maintaining muscle

  • Ask The Expert: “How can I grow my lower chest?”"

  • Study Spotlight: Could stair climbing be your key to longevity?

3 Best Cardio Exercises for Burning Fat While Maintaining Muscle

Looking to shed some fat without losing your hard-earned muscle? The right cardio exercises can help you achieve just that.

Here are the three best cardio workouts to burn fat while maintaining muscle mass.

1. Long Walks

Long walks are an excellent way to burn fat, especially when done at a steady pace. Walking is a low-impact exercise that can be sustained for longer periods, making it easier on your joints than more intense cardio workouts. While it does take time—think 60 minutes or more—it's great for keeping your body in a fat-burning zone without taxing your muscles too much.

Why It Works: Walking at a moderate pace primarily uses fat as fuel, helping you burn calories without causing muscle breakdown.

2. High Incline, High-Paced Walks

If you’re short on time but still want an effective workout, walking on a treadmill at a high incline and a brisk pace for 15-20 minutes can do wonders. This workout elevates your heart rate quickly and engages your leg muscles more intensely than walking on a flat surface.

Why It Works: The high incline increases the intensity of the walk, leading to higher calorie burn in a shorter time. It also helps maintain muscle mass, particularly in your lower body, as it activates the glutes, hamstrings, and calves.

Tip: Set the treadmill incline to 8-12 and maintain a pace that challenges you but is sustainable for the duration of the workout (3mph - 4mph). Start with 15 minutes and gradually increase the time as your endurance improves.

3. Stair Master

The Stair Master is another fantastic cardio machine for burning fat while preserving muscle. Climbing stairs mimics natural movements that build and tone your leg muscles, making it an effective way to torch calories and strengthen your lower body.

Why It Works: The constant climbing motion keeps your heart rate elevated, promoting fat burning. At the same time, the resistance from climbing helps maintain mass in your legs and glutes.

Tip: Begin with a pace that allows you to maintain good form and gradually increase the intensity. Aim for 20-30 minutes per session, a few times a week.

đź’ˇ These are great when you are in the last stages of losing fat. If you focus more on weight loss, HIIT workouts will be more effective.


Remember when risks were thrilling? Let’s bring that spirit back. Try a new sport, join a new fitness class, or set a bold new goal. Live fearlessly and embrace every opportunity to grow stronger. Fitness isn’t just about the body; it’s about bringing an adventurous spirit to every day. #ModernFitness

Best Way to Grow the Lower Chest

While we always recommend focusing on bench press and incline press movements at the beginning to build overall chest strength and mass, there comes a time when you need to add decline movements to specifically target and grow the lower chest.

Incorporating these exercises into your routine will help you achieve a well-rounded and defined chest. Let's dive into some of the best exercises to grow your lower chest!

Decline Bench Press

The decline bench press is one of the most effective exercises for targeting the lower part of your chest. By setting the bench at a decline, you shift the emphasis to the lower pectoral muscles.

Chest Dips

Chest dips are a fantastic bodyweight exercise that targets the lower chest, triceps, and shoulders.

Cable Decline Flyes

Cable decline flyes provide constant tension on the lower chest throughout the movement, making them a great finishing exercise.

Could Stair Climbing Be Your Key to a Longevity?

According to Dr. Sophie Paddock from the University of East Anglia, even short bouts of stair climbing can benefit heart health. The study analyzed data from 480,479 participants, ranging from 35 to 84 years old, and found that those who climbed stairs had a 24% reduced risk of dying from any cause and a 39% lower risk of dying from cardiovascular disease compared to those who did not.

The meta-analysis included both healthy individuals and those with a history of heart conditions. The findings suggest that incorporating stair climbing into daily life can lower the risk of heart attacks, heart failure, and strokes. Whether at work or home, choosing stairs over elevators can be a simple yet effective way to improve heart health and increase lifespan.

Ryan Engel, Intl. Fat Loss Coach

Ryan is a leading fitness coach and one of the most known professionals in the space.

He specializes in Body Recomposition and visual body aesthetics and has reached millions worldwide with his powerful messaging. He brings a unique, non-nonsense, yet sophisticated approach to body change.


Publisher: Ryan Engel

Editor: John K.

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